Monday, December 26, 2011

Doctor Warns: Eat This and You’ll Look 5 Years Older

Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 08 2011
  • The majority of soy's health claims are false; fostered by clever marketing to further reduce the cost and nutritional content of your food
  • Ninety-four percent of all soy grown in the US is genetically engineered (GE), which virtually guarantees you're consuming GE soy when purchasing soy products and processed foods containing soy derivatives. Genetically engineered foods pose its own separate health risks, including hormone disruption and fertility problems
  • Soy derivatives can "hide" under a variety of different names, including mono-diglyceride, soya, soja, yuba, TSF (textured soy flour), TSP (textured soy protein), TVP (textured vegetable protein), lecithin, and MSG
  • Soy protein isolate can be found in protein bars, meal replacement shakes, bottled fruit drinks, soups and sauces, meat analogs, baked goods, breakfast cereals and dietary supplements. This hazardous ingredient has been linked to several troubling conditions, including diminished libido and erectile dysfunction
  • The only soy foods with health benefits are USDA certified 100% organic, traditionally fermented soy products such as tempeh, miso and natto

The Cancer-Causing Mistake 1 in 4 People Over 45 Make

Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 07 2011
  • A recent study found that use of any statin drug, in any amount, was associated with a significantly increased risk for prostate cancer
  • Findings from previous studies investigating the statin-cancer link have been mixed, but a number of studies over the past 15 years have raised warnings over such a potential link
  • Current cholesterol guidelines, which recommend LDL levels of less than 100 or even less than 70 for patients at very high risk of heart disease, are dangerously low, and are likely doing far more harm than good
  • While reducing your risk of heart disease is the primary motivation for prescribing statins, these drugs can actually increase your risk of heart disease because they deplete your body of CoQ10, which can lead to heart failure. If you’re on statin drug therapy, you must also take a CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplement to stave off irreparable mitochondrial damage
  • Statin drugs do not modulate LDL particle size, and particle size is the factor that can make LDL “bad” in the first place. Small LDL particles get easily stuck and cause chronic inflammation, which raises your risk of heart disease, while large, buoyant LDL particles do not have such adverse effects. Particle size can only be modulated through dietary intervention

If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning

Posted By Dr. Mercola | December 06 2011 
  • The CDC and HHS held an “off-the-record, not-for-press-purposes” phone conference with church and community leaders.
  • They want to administer flu vaccines in churches, synagogues and mosques.
  • They are encouraging church leaders to “influence” people to get the shots through clinics run by Walgreens, which would send pharmacists out to places of worship to mass-vaccinate people in the church/synagogue/mosque.